rapid fast keto boost: Do Not Buy 2020 Read First Reviews

rapid fast keto boost you said like how are you eating so much when you have surgery people's opinions and people the way they look at asking questions as you guys are kind of taught listen to me talk because it's a lot more fun when I answer your questions instead of just sitting here like talking hearing myself talk I like to answer your questions as well but yeah so Barry melts has been so awesome sponsoring this and really just giving you guys a ready to try some of the products that I've kind of talked through use my code kim h20 and that'll get you 20% off so like I said berry mouth is just so awesome for sponsoring these kind of five events where we get to share some awesome products and give you guys a chance to try them out it catch up over here on comments woo 130 pounds from June 24 it chasity that is incredible congratulations that is so awesome yay oh good so you've done it as well put my coat in there Kim h20 for you for those that are asking about what that code is Kim h20 it's all capitalized tu-tu-tu-tu-tu going in for VHD April 10th so excited so nervous thinking him with all your videos well congratulations on your decision dawn good luck to you you got to keep us posted how you doing how long did I do the reset diet was at 1 or 2 weeks it was 2 weeks the first week was just protein shakes for protein shakes a day and then substitute like sugar-free jell-o like Crystal Light things like that and then the second week was three three shakes three shakes ain't no sorry two shakes and one meal I think there was a couple days I had three shakes but most days I think I just had to I was highly successful on that but my problem was is the minute I started adding food back in I lost control again so you all probably saw my post on Instagram yesterday I was yesterday was a bad day I was just not in a good place mentally I just was feeling like like a failure to be honest and you know I gotten so far with this reset diet and I've done so much just get my mind back and then I felt like Oh week went by and I stopped way myself and then BAM you know I've gained a few pounds back and it's tough I mean that's why I'm like I posted that thing at the end of last night I said it's okay to not be okay and I think sometimes we have to remember that because we get so hard on ourselves and last night I finally had just had to say you know what it's okay that you're not feeling okay right now you're gonna have days like this it's gonna be okay because yesterday I just felt I was just so mad at myself and that's not a good place to be I forgot where I was going with 


